Easter is a great time for the family to get together and DIY Easter decorations are sure to bring brightness and fun to your home. The Easter arts and crafts projects you make yourselves can be both a fun activity and enjoyably rewarding.
How far will your imagination and creativity take you? We’ve got lots of Easter craft projects for kids and adults to usher in one of the best holidays of the year.
Whether you’re an expert or a newbie, check out these fantastic homemade Easter decorations!
Eight Great DIY Easter Decorations

Arts and Crafts tools (Photo: Witthaya Prasongsin via Getty Images)
Just a quick word of caution. Some of these Easter craft projects require the use of paint, glue, and other items from the toolbox, so please be very careful and make sure an adult takes care of these tasks. If there’s anything you’re not sure about, ask in your local craft or hobby shop.
Tree-mendous Easter Decoration

Easter Tree (Photo: Olena Malik via Getty Images)
Decorated trees aren’t just for Christmas! If you want to know what to craft for Easter, try a tree. All you need is some decorative twigs or small branches which you can spray white or yellow or pink or indeed any colour you like and then hang chocolate or painted eggs from them. Put them all in a vase and hey presto, an Easter tree!
Centrepiece Star

Easter table centrepiece (Photo: Svetlana-Cherruty via Getty Images)
This is one of the easier Easter craft projects, but it will be the star of the show on your lunch or dinner table. Fill a tray with some fake grass or moss and then add painted eggs, small model or papier-mâché rabbits and a jar full of small chocolate eggs, but don’t eat them all before people have sat down!
The Hunt is On

Easter Egg Hunt sign (Photo: CatLane via Getty Images)
There’s nothing more fun at this time of year than an Easter egg hunt and the more ingenious the better. Making a hand-painted sign letting the kids – and adults – know where the hunt begins is one of the easiest and most fun of all the Easter arts and crafts. Hop To It, or The Easter Eggstravaganza Starts Here are two ideas, but we’re sure you can come up with something of your own!
Punch Up Your Plant Pots

Painting Plant pots (Photo: cagkansayin via iStock)
Spring flowers are as bright as the sunshine, but their containers are usually pretty dull, so we have a solution to boring plant pots! Using stencils, off-cuts of pretty wallpaper, wrapping paper or even your own drawings, wrap them neatly around the pots and glue them into place for one of the most enjoyable DIY Easter decorations!
Pretty as a Picture

Easter frame (Photo: DianaHirsch via Getty Images)
If you’ve got some spare photo frames around the house, why not fill them with some creative Easter art? You can take photos of Easter-related things, draw your own or scour junk shops and flea markets for old Easter postcards and put them in the frames. The beauty of this Easter craft project idea is that you don’t need to hang them on the walls with hammers and nails. Scatter them around the house, on door knobs, the backs of chairs, on shelves or really anywhere you like for a cornucopia of creative colour.
Easter Egg Cups

Painting Easter Egg Cups (Photo: Ekaterina Fedulyeva via Getty Images)
Homemade Easter decorations are always fun to make and this is no exception. In fact this one is really easy. All you need are some egg cups with colourful fairy cake cases from the baking cupboard pushed carefully inside. Then, add an Easter treat like a chocolate egg, a small furry bunny or a place card for the table so everyone knows where they’re sitting.
Cool Coasters

Traditional handmade coasters (Photo: Julien McRoberts via Getty Images)
Perfect for the dinner table or coffee table, these cool, creative coasters are easy to make. So if you’re stuck for ideas about what to craft for Easter, we’ve got you covered! Using a stencil of an egg or a rabbit, cut out however many you need from cardboard – empty shoe boxes will do if you have any handy. Then you can either paint them or cover them in fabric or wallpaper and wait for them to dry.
Brilliant Balloons

Easter balloon art (Photo: monstArrr_via Getty Images)
So as it turns out, balloons turned upside down (with the knot at the top) look exactly like Easter eggs! Once they’re blown up, carefully paint them with easter scenes, wavy lines, dots, bunnies or anything you like to get the family in the Easter mood, but be very careful you don’t pop them or you’ll have to start over!
Easter Crafting Fun

Easter crafting fun (Photo: urbazon via Getty Images)
These are some great DIY Easter decorations for you to try. Remember, you’re only limited by your imagination so hopefully you’ll never run out of ideas for Easter arts and crafts projects!