Christmas is a wonderful time of year and these Christmas craft projects are sure to bring a touch of seasonal sparkle to your home. Plus, these DIY Christmas decorations bring a truly personal touch to your festive celebrations!
Whether you’re a crafting expert or you’re just looking for some fun activities to do at home with the kids over the holidays, if you’re asking ‘what to craft at Christmas’, you won’t be short of great ideas to make your home merry and bright!
Seven Cracking Christmas Craft Projects

Christmas arts and crafts (Photo: Oksana_S via Getty Images)
These are some fab homemade Christmas decorations for the whole family to try. Before we start, a quick word of caution. Some of these Christmas arts and crafts projects require some bits and pieces from the tool box like wire, glue and paint so please make sure you’re careful and get an adult to take care of these tasks. Feel free to take inspiration from these DIY Christmas ideas, or let your imagination run free by creating your own DIY Christmas decorations!
Fantastic Cake Case Christmas Trees

Fairy cake cases, great for arts and crafts (Photo: deymos via Getty Images)
This is one of the easiest and most fun Christmas craft projects for kids! Fold three colourful fairy cake cases into quarters and stick them to wide wooden sticks. Decorate the cases with glitter or stickers or Christmassy drawings and stick a star on top. There you have it, mini trees to hang up around the house, on door knobs or even on your own tree. Christmas trees on a Christmas tree!
Cool Christmas Candy Canes

Pipe cleaner candy canes (Photo: GillTeeShots via iStock)
Candy canes are a Christmas classic and if you want to know what to craft at Christmas, this is a great idea and it doesn’t involve hot sugar! Thread alternative red and white beads onto a pipe cleaner, bend the top to turn it into a cane and hey presto! You can hang them from your tree or around the house for a true touch of Christmas. By the way, if you want to know how real candy canes are made, click here.
Simply Special Snow Globes

Homemade snow globe (Photo: Aninka Bongers-Sutherland via Getty Images)
This is one of the homemade Christmas decorations that requires constant adult supervision. If you’ve got some empty jam jars you can make these really cool snow globes. Glue a plastic snowman or a small toy reindeer to the inside of the lid (or indeed anything you want as long as it will fit back in the jar) along with some off-cuts of your decorations. Fill the jar with water and glitter, put the lid on and then make sure the lid is glued to the jar so when it gets shaken, it stays secure!
Brilliant Button Wreaths

Christmas wreath made of buttons (Photo: Goroda via Getty Images)
This is one of the Christmas arts and crafts projects the kids will love but again, it requires adult supervision. Bend some thin wire into a loop and thread buttons of all shapes, sizes and colours onto it. If you don’t have a box of buttons at home you can get them in craft or hobby shops or you can get packs of assorted buttons on trading websites. Once you’ve got enough buttons, twist the top of the wire together, ensure there are no sharp edges and tie it with so
Super-Sassy Snowpeople Pegs

Pegs ready to be decorated (Photo: Crispin la valiente via GettyImages)
The beauty of these great snowpeople pegs is that they’re useful the whole year! Paint some wooden clothes pegs white and wait for them to dry. Then with a black marker, draw on some eyes and a mouth as well as some buttons. Using glue, fix a small pom pom as a nose and if you’ve got some coloured string, make a cute scarf to go round their ‘necks!’ Remember, when you’re making these DIY Christmas decorations, make them the right way up so when you clip them to a wire coat hanger they’re not upside down! You can use them for notes, shopping lists or for photos all year round.
Creatively Cool Cones

Crafting with cones (Photo: Elva Etienne via Getty Images)
Not ice-cream cones but pine cones. This is one of the most simple yet elegant Christmas craft projects, and it will need a trip to the park or the woods. Pine cones usually fall between September and December so somewhere around autumn and early winter, go and get a bagful of pine cones. All you need to do to add a beautiful touch of nature to your homemade Christmas decorations is to tie a bow around top and attach them to your tree with some twine or velvet ribbon.
Lovely Lolly Stick Trees

Lolly stick decorations (Photo: elena_hramowa via Getty Images)
For this Christmas arts and crafts project you can either buy lolly sticks or buy and eat ice lollies and use the sticks. It’s a hard job but someone’s gotta do it! You need one shorter stick for the base and two longer ones for the sides and after you paint them green or indeed whatever colour you like and let them dry, glue them together in a tree shape. Then, you’re only limited by your creative imagination. You can colour them using felt tips, wrap thin tinsel around them, glue tiny pom poms on them or do whatever you like! Add a star to the top and a base for the trunk and you’ve got some DIY Christmas decorations to add to the tree!